Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia in English) is a story of a boy named Midoriya Izuku who lacks of extraordinary abilities that lives in a world that superpowers are usual thing. He was bullied because of it but he never give up on dreaming that one day, he will become a hero. As All Might passes his quirk or his powers to Izuku, the dream of a young boy is slowly to become true.

As the series reaches its end, people may ask, is there a continuation of this or is there a season 2?

Well, that's right! Season 2 is coming! As the last episode, Episode 13 of the series, viewed in the end of the show, it said that there is a season 2 of the anime.

For now, there are no exact date of the release of the second season but for now, let's stay put and prepare our selves for the release.

For the mean time, you may browse the list of anime for Summer 2016.

The person that is being showned at the last part of Episode 13 is named Stain.
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